Why am I not Pregnant?

Generally speaking, a person with a uterus in their early 20s and 30s has a one in four chances of getting pregnant each month. After age 30, the chance of becoming pregnant decreases though, and by the time they are 40, they have a one in ten chances of getting pregnant each month.

By the time a person with a uterus is 45; their chances of becoming pregnant are very low.

The fertility of a person who produces sperm will also decrease with age, but that’s not as predictable as the decline of a person with a uterus.

The Burden of Infertility

One out of every six couples will have difficulty conceiving. Sadly, the rate of infertility is on the increase because of late marriage, delayed childbearing due to educational and career pursuit, increased incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease leading to tubal blockage, changing lifestyle, environmental factors and increased male factor infertility.
In our society, the burden of infertility is felt more by the woman. The belief is that if a couple cannot have a child, it is the fault of the woman. This is the reason more women are seen in the clinics than men. The fact is that the male contribute equally and in some instance more to the cause of infertility. Infertility is therefore not a woman’s problem, but a challenge that the couple should confront together and overcome.